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2020 Southwest Onsite Wastewater Conference Presentations
Presented on January 29 & 30, 2020

Click on highlighted items to view the presentation in pdf. Please attribute any information you use to the author. Non-highlighted items are coming soon pending final revisions from the author.  

1. Virginia's Onsite Sewage Program: Moving Toward Privatization and Performance. Marcia J. Degen, Ph.D., P.E., Virginia Department of Health.
2. Green Your Landscape with Greywater. Laura Allen, Greywater Action.
3. ADEQ's Vision for the Onsite Wastewater Industry. Trevor Baggiore, ADEQ Water Quality Division Director.
4. Subsurface Fates of Contaminants from Onsite Septic Systems. Sergio M. Abit Jr., PhD., Oklahoma State University.
5. Barriers to Using Decentralized Wastewater Community Solutions 2005-2020. Mary K. Clark, RS, Consultant to Vermont DEC and USEPA.
6. Risk-Based Guidance for Onsite Non-Potable Water Systems. Michael Jahne, PhD., EPA, ORD.
7. Large Onsite Wastewater Systems: Design & Engineering Considerations. Mark Brooks, P.E., Consultant, Brooks Engineering Associates.
8. Design of Advanced Onsite Wastewater Systems to Address Areas With Significant Soil and Site Limitations. Sergio M. Abit Jr., PhD., Oklahoma State University.
9. Non-Sewered Sanitation Devices - A New ISO Standard for a Reinvented Toilet. Edward R. Osann, Senior Water Policy Analyst, Natural Resources Defense Council.
10. Media Filter Treatment Mechanisms and Applications. Colin Bishop, RS/REHS, Anua International.
11. Don't Drink From the Toilet, Please: Colorado's Implementation of Reclaimed Water Regulations. Emily Wong, Senior Review Engineer, Water Quality Control Division, Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment.
12. SepticSmart Week and Other National Decentralized Priority Actions. Mary K. Clark, RS, Consultant to Vermont DEC and USEPA.
13. Subsurface Drip: Lessons Learned. Karen Ferguson, President, GeoFlow Inc.
14. Rocky Soils and Effluent Treatment; A Colorado Perspective. Chuck Cousino, REHS, OWTS Coordinator, CDPHE/WZCD.
15. Conserve and Protect: NSF Onsite Wastewater Treatment System Standards and Testing. Derek Deland, MPH, REHS/RS, NSF International. *** For a copy of this presentation please contact***
16. Solids Handling: A Transformative Technology for Treating Liquid Septage and Liquid Sludge to Eliminate Water Hauling. Akrum H. Tamimi, PhD, University of Arizona.